Sunday, November 27, 2011

Basic Profile - Herman v Staden

Herman v Staden

Herman v Staden was founder of Grow, Auxano, SOS, In Health | By Grace Today, and during 2018, Choose Love and UHK to promote mental and emotional health and spiritual growth and development as key result components of both ROI (Return On Investment) and ROL (Return On LIfe) and advocating the development of synergy in the perceptual spaces in between

Herman dedicated his life to helping people move from dysfunctional emotional existence to healthy, productive adult living, through emotional recovery, health and fitness

Practical applications of his approach over his career, include:

Leading one of the ‘best’ community development projects in South Africa (recognised at dinner with President Mandela - 1998); Engineering the release of the last of the abused Tuli Elephants; Pioneering a process with the SAPS and Criminal Justice System to help young people in trouble (drugs, alcohol and violence - SOS - Plettenberg Bay) and developing and self-financing the Auxano Emotional Health Model, now being rolled out by In Health | By Grace Today

The drive to learn and really understand and a passion to share, in simple and practical ways which work, led to the development of a knowledge base drawing on learning from the fields of:

Memetics, Script Analysis, Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory, AQAL, Transactional Analysis, Game Theory, Neuro Linguistic Analysis (NLA), Advanced Behavioral Modelling, Neuroplasticity, Timeline Therapy. Etc. but | and is focused entirely on biblical principles in his work

Twenty years of research, development and refinement produced a product, service and process to help communities, organisations, groups, families and individuals, from all walks of life, understand emotions, break out of old patterns, grow and learn, get healthy, stay healthy and grow spiritually … and …It Works !

As founder and Lead Servant at Choose Love he invites you to join him in the Reception Area of Choose Love LINK


Herman v Staden - Bio | Curriculum Vitae - CV

HERMAN VAN STADEN is the founder and leader of In Health | By Grace Today. 

He lives in Kleinbos, Tsitsikamma, South Africa with his wife Carol 

Herman is known for his commitment to personal, familial, organisational and community upliftment. Under his leadership, significant outcomes were achieved in seemingly ‘impossible’ situations such as, The ‘best in class’ community development project (Manenberg); Conflict resolution (the release of the Tuli Elephants); Helping youth in trouble (violence, drug and alcohol)(SOS); Helping organisations, families and individuals to embrace emotional health (Auxano and In Health | By Grace). With the simplicity of understanding and practical application as a key results component, his studies and research focused on personal growth and development as a tool to promote productive living, utilising given skills and talents to the best of our ability. To encourage ROI (Return on Investment) but | and, more importantly, remembering that optimal wealth cannot be measured by the same criteria. That physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health | wealth is the gem in the treasure of life. ROI (Return on Life) 

Herman has founded various organisations to promote different areas | aspects of mental, emotional, emotional growth and spiritual development

... GROW - Generating Real Optimal Wealth
... Auxano - Research into emotional health and the basis of later work
... SOS - Save Ourselves - Addressing the needs of 'lost' youth aged 14 to 24 from all LSM groups
... In Health Today - Promoting Integral Health 
... By Grace today - NPO helping those who want to grow but can't afford to study (Bursaries)
... University of Heart Knocks - Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Health Educational Facility
... Choose Love - A network of people committed to really follow the biblical principle of Love 



After years in management development, corporate change management, and corporate consulting his interest shifted to community development and he worked, amongst others, in Mannenberg (on the Cape Flats), as co-founder and facilitator of the GROW project (identified as one of the top community development projects in South Africa - Presented to President Mandela)

Herman lived and worked in Plettenberg Bay for fifteen years, focusing on developing a realistic and salable model to promote mental and emotional recovery, health and fitness and spiritual growth and development (The Auxano Model)

His belief is that this is a vital field of work as emotional and spiritual health is an integral part of the basic skills set we all need today (especially today) 

The model, approach, methodology and support structure that was was born almost three decades ago, has been honed through intensive research, development, testing and redefining and has resulted in a simple, tried and tested model to help people to:
  • understand emotions
  • get healthy
  • break old patterns
  • grow and learn
  • stay healthy
          and ....

  • grow spiritually
          and ....
  • It works !

After nearly twenty-five years of research, development and refinement, the In Health Today Emotional Health Model is now being rolled out in business, community projects, and most recently, a leading South African Wellness Center, Back to Bible Basics

Herman passionately promotes ROI (Return on Investment) and ROL (Return On Life) (a term that he coined) and has honed a range of skills and established a knowledge, resources and technology base, drawing on fields such as:

  • Memetics
  • Script Analysis
  • Spiral Dynamics
  • Integral Theory
  • AQAL
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Linguistic Analysis
  • NeuroMapping ©
  • Advanced Behavioural Modelling
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Timeline Therapy 
Contact Details:


+2782 372 7816

Postal Address:
P O Box 20

Birthday: 12 September
Gender: Male

Marital Status:
Married to my amazing Carol

Curriculum Vitae | CV

Living in:
Storms River - South Africa

Why I live in Storms River:

What I look like ...

Group Dynamics Logo very small.jpg